reverie deli is a one person show
reverie deli was born out of a lifelong passion for good food, and two degrees in architecture. opening a food business was a childhood fantasy that i never seriously considered until 2020, and i’ve been flying by the seat of my pants ever since. inspired by the DIY mentality prevalent in all the members of my family, i started a food-centric instagram with the intent to sell my goods one day. i started posting baked good documentation, fulfilled a few cake orders for some close friends, rebranded a few times so that this project felt like something cohesive and worthwhile, and the rest is a blur.
friends told friends who told friends who told friends, the instagram algorithm did its duty, and now you’ve journeyed over to my about page!
if you’re reading this, i hope you’ll take me on your own unique flavour fairytale. with every custom cake, i repeat the exercise of assembling ingredients into flavours and textures and visuals under the unique condition that it is made to the exact taste of the client. this process expanded my understanding of how to cook and bake beyond anything i could have done on my own, and i’m so thankful for my trusting clients to create with me.
hope to feed you one day,
♡ michelle ashurov
before ever baking a single multi-layer cake, i explored many different mediums for creative output, from painting, to digital illustration, to architectural drawing, to editorial design, to ceramics, to model-making. reverie is not only a project to sell, but also an exploration of graphics, communication, culinary arts, and lots of things in between. the illustration above is a dramatization of how i sometimes feel running this show ㋡